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- Short: ST-39 - Sampledisk for Trackerbased Composer Software
- Author: a lot people :)
- Uploader: Finn Jacobs <fjacobs@computerlabor.math.uni-kiel.de>
- Type: mus/instr
- Kurz: ST-39 - Sampledisk fuer auf Trackerbasierende Musikcomposer Software
- This Samplesdisk is one of a big sample library. This big library contains
- of various contents.
- Most of the samples are saved in the IFF-Format, but have no additional ex-
- tension to their filename. The samples not saved in the format mentioned above
- are saved in RAW-Format. I think nearly every Tracker can load this both for-
- mats, so you don't have to get a headache about that ;-)
- The samples on the disks are not sorted to their contents, so I had a fine
- easy job, just copying them to disk, instead of listening and sorting to a
- special directory. I most cases I tried to explain the contents in the file-
- name, e.g. sx-bdrum, sx-vocal, sx-sdrum etc. You see, bdrum means the base-
- drum and sdrum means the snaredrum. You won't have any probs with that, I
- guess, especially when you already composing music. Well, just sampling new
- one would be better for profi composers, but receycling is better, even.
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 28528 15471 45.7% 25-Jun-97 01:22:06 +aaaa.lords
- 6614 6027 8.8% 25-Jun-97 01:22:34 +acc1
- 7000 6377 8.9% 25-Jun-97 01:22:36 +acc2
- 9834 8703 11.5% 25-Jun-97 01:22:10 +acidbass
- 2300 1855 19.3% 25-Jun-97 01:22:24 +acidbassdrum6
- 2900 2380 17.9% 25-Jun-97 01:22:02 +acidsnare19
- 14110 10007 29.0% 25-Jun-97 01:22:06 +akaisnare
- 3552 2790 21.4% 25-Jun-97 01:22:02 +animate-clap
- 2216 1840 16.9% 25-Jun-97 01:22:04 +basex
- 8674 5197 40.0% 25-Jun-97 01:22:36 +bassdrum4
- 7720 6291 18.5% 25-Jun-97 01:21:58 +bassdrum_c
- 9878 8746 11.4% 25-Jun-97 01:22:30 +blitz
- 2692 1880 30.1% 25-Jun-97 01:22:06 +bongo
- 2652 1675 36.8% 25-Jun-97 01:22:24 +c64.clap
- 3500 2669 23.7% 25-Jun-97 01:22:00 +claps4
- 4014 2746 31.5% 25-Jun-97 01:22:06 +cowbell1
- 9826 7141 27.3% 25-Jun-97 01:22:34 +CZSTRING
- 32768 30840 5.8% 25-Jun-97 01:22:02 +d50string6
- 3702 3018 18.4% 25-Jun-97 01:22:32 +drumkit
- 7136 6474 9.2% 25-Jun-97 01:22:06 +dur-ac
- 6334 5778 8.7% 25-Jun-97 01:22:22 +dur-acc
- 9500 7166 24.5% 25-Jun-97 01:22:30 +echodrum
- 13662 9783 28.3% 25-Jun-97 01:22:02 +exakaisnare
- 12346 11843 4.0% 25-Jun-97 01:22:22 +exBAckGuitar
- 1756 1394 20.6% 25-Jun-97 01:22:20 +exbasdrum
- 1552 1426 8.1% 25-Jun-97 01:22:00 +exbass
- 12944 8050 37.8% 25-Jun-97 01:22:06 +excuseme
- 1380 1181 14.4% 25-Jun-97 01:22:04 +exhihat
- 3900 1463 62.4% 25-Jun-97 01:22:04 +extreight
- 8146 6254 23.2% 25-Jun-97 01:22:28 +extwiPlink
- 16164 13528 16.3% 25-Jun-97 01:22:24 +exvoicetune
- 23710 19474 17.8% 25-Jun-97 01:22:08 +GB-Synth 05
- 16918 10385 38.6% 25-Jun-97 01:22:02 +giveme
- 4296 2255 47.5% 25-Jun-97 01:22:34 +GMCbass
- 4296 3328 22.5% 25-Jun-97 01:22:08 +GMCbdrum
- 4296 2810 34.5% 25-Jun-97 01:22:34 +GMCbongo
- 6751 4610 31.7% 25-Jun-97 01:22:28 +GMCclaps
- 1841 1595 13.3% 25-Jun-97 01:22:00 +GMChhat
- 5523 4864 11.9% 25-Jun-97 01:22:26 +GMCpiano1
- 13502 10268 23.9% 25-Jun-97 01:22:28 +GMCpiano2
- 6751 5628 16.6% 25-Jun-97 01:22:06 +GMCsdrum
- 7364 6730 8.6% 25-Jun-97 01:22:22 +GMCsdrum2
- 9205 8919 3.1% 25-Jun-97 01:22:06 +GMCvoice
- 13586 8770 35.4% 25-Jun-97 01:22:20 +heydj
- 2532 2224 12.1% 25-Jun-97 01:22:00 +hoho
- 11380 7548 33.6% 25-Jun-97 01:22:20 +invest
- 2100 1695 19.2% 25-Jun-97 01:22:18 +jpnbdrum
- 9340 4018 56.9% 25-Jun-97 01:22:06 +jpncinema
- 9160 5842 36.2% 25-Jun-97 01:22:26 +jpndudeludium
- 3176 2159 32.0% 25-Jun-97 01:22:00 +jpnhihat
- 4102 3442 16.0% 25-Jun-97 01:22:26 +jpnsdrum
- 5442 5237 3.7% 25-Jun-97 01:22:02 +medusa-aauu
- 2041 2041 0.0% 25-Jun-97 01:22:22 +medusa-ah
- 2721 2571 5.5% 25-Jun-97 01:22:26 +medusa-ah2
- 3401 3397 0.1% 25-Jun-97 01:22:26 +medusa-ah3
- 9524 9035 5.1% 25-Jun-97 01:22:28 +medusa-auaahh
- 13605 11223 17.5% 25-Jun-97 01:22:24 +medusa-get.haha
- 6485 5105 21.2% 25-Jun-97 01:22:06 +medusa-voice
- 6600 4404 33.2% 25-Jun-97 01:21:58 +monoecho
- 5612 4446 20.7% 25-Jun-97 01:22:04 +moog1
- 32564 30161 7.3% 25-Jun-97 01:22:00 +new_style
- 8694 7508 13.6% 25-Jun-97 01:22:02 +no3
- 7000 5218 25.4% 25-Jun-97 01:22:04 +no5
- 20526 13117 36.0% 25-Jun-97 01:22:00 +party
- 2102 1480 29.5% 25-Jun-97 01:22:00 +paulacidbass
- 4570 3306 27.6% 25-Jun-97 01:22:20 +paulacidpiano
- 2490 1796 27.8% 25-Jun-97 01:22:28 +paulacidsnare
- 8600 6753 21.4% 25-Jun-97 01:22:06 +putv
- 9856 5589 43.2% 25-Jun-97 01:22:34 +quickly
- 2094 1745 16.6% 25-Jun-97 01:22:04 +rnr-snarus
- 10300 6886 33.1% 25-Jun-97 01:22:22 +rnr-string
- 14422 8254 42.7% 25-Jun-97 01:22:30 +rnr-voice1
- 21794 19573 10.1% 25-Jun-97 01:22:04 +saloon1.uni
- 3740 2783 25.5% 25-Jun-97 01:22:20 +shake
- 13728 9391 31.5% 25-Jun-97 01:22:30 +slapbass2
- 1856 1003 45.9% 25-Jun-97 01:22:24 +smatter2
- 8624 7884 8.5% 25-Jun-97 01:22:32 +snare_c
- 24102 22136 8.1% 25-Jun-97 01:22:32 +sound_of_c
- 9700 6488 33.1% 25-Jun-97 01:22:00 +specialbass
- 19194 15384 19.8% 25-Jun-97 01:22:10 +synth5
- 12132 7791 35.7% 25-Jun-97 01:22:04 +synthbrass
- 7914 4918 37.8% 25-Jun-97 01:22:22 +tioacidpiano
- 9900 6325 36.1% 25-Jun-97 01:21:58 +trumpets
- 4100 3487 14.9% 25-Jun-97 01:22:06 +turbobdrum
- 9600 8421 12.2% 25-Jun-97 01:22:26 +vibro
- 9800 7910 19.2% 25-Jun-97 01:22:06 +wap-bam-boogie
- 9846 7708 21.7% 25-Jun-97 01:22:00 +warp
- 12744 8231 35.4% 25-Jun-97 01:22:32 +wehell
- 15892 8786 44.7% 25-Jun-97 01:22:36 +yee
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 790444 604048 23.5% 11-Jul-97 16:15:40 89 files